Nothing like a hot bath and a cold beer. I’m sure Sophie Barnes Facebook sophieryder will agree with the bath part 😉

Ahhh, I’ve not used Unread for a little while. 67 unread items…

Better safe than sorry, and Authy is brilliant for 2FA.

I’m very happy with 1password, I’m also slowly switching my accounts over to 2FA.

I find myself liking Facebook less and less the more I read about it.

I have great respect for Tantek Çelik t for his work pioneering the

Enabled 2FA for my Apple ID. Still don’t know why I had to wait 3 days to do it, but in fairness to Apple, the process was quick and well-explained.

My Apple ID’s page works correctly in Safari, now I have to wait three days to enable 2FA?

My micropub endpoint responds correctly to token validity requests, now to add this to my client.

With a little cleanup of my conf files, SSL Labs now succesfully reports that my site supports OCSP stapling 😊