A certain inevitability to this season then...

Can we all get jpeg-xl support please? https://cloudinary.com/blog/jpeg-xl-and-the-pareto-front

Of course Verstappen got pole position 🙄

For some reason Bridgy isn’t finding webmention targets when trying to back feed Mastodon posts?

Looking forward to a spontaneous date night tonight, Nando’s and bowling 🍗 & 🎳

New fonts on my site, got them from https://modernfontstacks.com so things should load quicker now

Started watching last night. Is there any character who isn’t an arsehole? 📺

It’s this weekend at The O2 and I’m there live! Woooo

Sunny and slightly breezy in the garden this evening, lovely

Russell Howard was very good yesterday afternoon 😃

My name is Jonny Barnes, and jonnybarnes.uk is my site. I’m from Manchester, UK .

I am active to varying degrees on several silos:

My usual online nickname is normally jonnybarnes for other services. I also syndicate my content to the IndieWeb friendly site micro.blog. Here’s a profile pic. You can email me at hi@jonnybarnes.uk, or message me on Matrix: @jonny:jonnybarnes.uk.