The Hobbit: The Tolkein Edit looks interesting. Makes me think of Star Wars Despecialized Edition.

Up at the top of this building my phone keeps jumping between 3G and 4G. I wonder how much battery its using.

nintype 1.6 does seem snappier.

All I want is to have an encrypted USB thumb-drive that I can read/write with both my MacBook and Linux desktop.

I’ve set up a new ECC GPG key. Fingerprint: EB55 21A4 5B8D 7310 53A6 E5DE 4E8D DC0E DE5D 23A6.

For some reason I stopped listening to @HelloInternetFM after season 1. But now I have some awesome new headphones, jumping back in at episode 28.

It appears I should have been doing a dist-upgrade to move Debian from stable to testing.

Having a great time with some of Sophie Barnes Facebook sophieryder ’s long-time friends. 😊