On heaven and suffering

Let's assume that heaven exists. Then presumably for heaven to serve a purpose, some concious essence of myself must be able to transcend to heaven after my physical demise.

Are there rules for entry to heaven? I come from a Christian background, having been baptised in the Church of England. My experience is that most people believe if you are good then you go to heaven, and if you are bad then you go to hell. But then I must ask who determines what is good behaviour and what is bad behaviour? Further, if we are being pragmatic, we all do good things and bad things in our life. Does one bad deed bar you from heaven? If not, how much bad can one do before one is then barred from heaven? How about behaviour that was at one time deemed acceptable, and is now seen as morally reprehensible. A candidate for this might be slavery. I'm sure all the people involved in the various slave trades thought they were acting within reasonable moral limits. Maybe they thought those they were trading were sub-human and thus moral consideration didn't extend to these sub-humans. My point is the moral goalposts seem to me to be moving based on our current understanding of morality. If I were to go to heaven would I see famous people from the past, many of whom I would label as racist or sexist or any other number of unwanted terms.