Now for some brunch

Long queue, but worth it 😊🎧

Having a beer with the last of the day’s sun in the garden, it’s the little things in life 😊

Who loves reprovisioning vagrant boxes?

Half-day Friday is best Friday!!

Testing again with location

Testing a new note with my location.

My micropub client works for the actual note, but location data isn’t being sent with the request. ☹️

It’s football tonight, gonna score a banger, I can feel it ☄️

My name is Jonny Barnes, and is my site. I’m from Manchester, UK .

I am active to varying degrees on several silos:

My usual online nickname is normally jonnybarnes for other services. I also syndicate my content to the IndieWeb friendly site Here’s a profile pic. You can email me at, or message me on Matrix: