Ooh smart, Buzzfeed have set up a site just for their real news. https://www.buzzfeednews.com

Birthday meal 😇 — with Sophie

Work’s lunch out for my birthday and Aimee’s one year anniversary 🍺 🍽 🎉

Finally the coin jar doesn’t spam my @monzo purchases feed 🙌🙌

One of the things I’m looking forward to with moving back to Manchester is being able to go to meet-ups like @McrLaravel, unfortunately the house move won’t be done in time for the next week.


Still no public beta access to Shortcuts ☹️

Testing uploading images from my micropub client

EDIT: Not doing long term storage of images well though (2022-08-20)

My name is Jonny Barnes, and jonnybarnes.uk is my site. I’m from Manchester, UK .

I am active to varying degrees on several silos:

My usual online nickname is normally jonnybarnes for other services. I also syndicate my content to the IndieWeb friendly site micro.blog. Here’s a profile pic. You can email me at hi@jonnybarnes.uk, or message me on Matrix: @jonny:jonnybarnes.uk.