Is this the longest @marcoarment has waited for an app update to go through the App Store review process?

@konklone now I just have to wait for nginx to implement…

What I like to see, even better it’s from Microsoft.

There’s an alternative universe where Cavani is playing for instead of Falcao.

Currently I’m reading Twitter with Tweetbot for iOS and Mac, and Corebird on Linux. The dream, being able to sync timeline read position from Tweetbot to Corebird.

PSG v CFC. Zlatan v Diego. As a neutral, bring it on.

Does anyone else shudder when they see URLs ending in .php, or .asp, or anything other than .html. Even that’s a bit hmmm.

What I want, a large 4K-resolution touch-enabled screen.

Trying out @Spotify’s web player. Pretty neat so far, even works on my Linux box!

My name is Jonny Barnes, and is my site. I’m from Manchester, UK .

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