Updated my nginx config files so there no longer a complete mess. Still getting an A+ on ssllabs.com 😄

Great play by Welbeck in the build up to the goal.

1-0 already, come on England!

What’s stopping us move to a only internet?

Who cares whether the pilot had depression. Lots of people do, they don’t all turn suicidal!

Really happy with work I’ve got done on my micropub client/endpoint so far today.

It helps massively that YouTube now uses HTML5 video by default.

I’m fairing surprisingly well since removing Adobe Flash from my MacBook.

My name is Jonny Barnes, and jonnybarnes.uk is my site. I’m from Manchester, UK .

I am active to varying degrees on several silos:

My usual online nickname is normally jonnybarnes for other services. I also syndicate my content to the IndieWeb friendly site micro.blog. Here’s a profile pic. You can email me at hi@jonnybarnes.uk, or message me on Matrix: @jonny:jonnybarnes.uk.