A new version of OS X and Gnome on the same day, I’m spoilt.

Why is the original iPad Mini still on sale?

Anyone know if it’s easy to port data across from one to the other?

Getting annoyed at MariaDB so going to give PostgreSQL a try.

Watching Sophie Barnes Facebook sophieryder rehearse for tonight.

Nothing like a hot bath and a cold beer. I’m sure Sophie Barnes Facebook sophieryder will agree with the bath part 😉

Ahhh, I’ve not used Unread for a little while. 67 unread items…

Better safe than sorry, and Authy is brilliant for 2FA.

I’m very happy with 1password, I’m also slowly switching my accounts over to 2FA.

I find myself liking Facebook less and less the more I read about it.

My name is Jonny Barnes, and jonnybarnes.uk is my site. I’m from Manchester, UK .

I am active to varying degrees on several silos:

My usual online nickname is normally jonnybarnes for other services. I also syndicate my content to the IndieWeb friendly site micro.blog. Here’s a profile pic. You can email me at hi@jonnybarnes.uk, or message me on Matrix: @jonny:jonnybarnes.uk.